Cheryl Atwood CMST 450 Final - Web Site Links

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A great site to check out with all sorts of information on Heidelberg is

Another super site for travel and hotel reservations is

Click here to visit the web site for the U.S. Army V Corps is located in Heidelberg

Click here to visit the web site for U.S. Army Europe  (USAREUR) and 7th Army

Heidelberg University Library - Germany's oldest university library

Dining in Heidelberg, Germany - very informative site about various dining and drinking opportunities in Heidelberg

Want to find out about the weather in Heidelberg?  Check-out the forecast!

Heidelberg High School's web site can be found here

The Heidelberg Military Community web site is full of information and is a "must see" for all who are affiliated with the U.S. forces in Heidelberg

This site offers a great historical prospective about our U.S. military presence in Heidelberg -

The Herald-Post is the community newspaper serving Heidelberg and surrounding areas.


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Copyright ©Cheryl Atwood 2003