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Interesting factoids about my time spent at Heidelberg American High School:

  School mascot is the Heidelberg Lions

  School colors are blue and gold

  Our senior prom theme was "Looks Like We Made It" by Barry Manilow

  Our prom was held in the King's Ballroom at the Heidelberg Castle

  My 8th grade social studies teacher, Ms. Harrell, still teaches at the school today (2004)

  I was captain of our Drill Team, the Lionettes

  I served as class secretary for all four years (9-12 grades)

  My class graduated in the King's Ballroom at the Heidelberg Castle

  Dinner before the prom was at the Hotel Zum Ritter - built in 1592

  Song of the year was "You Light Up My Life" by Debbie Boone

  Favorite pastime was going to the Teen Club on the weekends and dancing to every song

  Our senior class trip was to London

  Famous "brats" with a connection to Heidelberg and/or Heidelberg High School include Elizabeth Vargas (news correspondent), Eric Zeier (NFL football quarterback), Ronald George (NFL player), Peter Weller (actor), Jackson Browne (singer), General H. Norman Schwarzkopf (Commander, Operation Desert Storm), and LTG Robert Flowers (current Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers).


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